About the Project:
Madrigal is the fourth single for Nathalia Madrigal's solo project Madrigal. She is a Colombian singer / songwriter for the band Swing Original Monks a cumbia band. In her solo project Nathalia draws inspiration from her family history in Colombia, her hometown music, boleros and holiday music.
Project Scope:
Single cover
Social media posts
Outdoor formats

This hit single is a celebration song that's about the passing of time and the pressure women have on achieving certain things according to their age. "Ay tiempo, no me ande amenazando, si la soledad me alcanza, que me encuentre aquí bailando" is the catchy chorus that inspired the album art and video.

This cover was created using a real watch that was pulled apart and put together again using photoshop to create the effect of broken glass and exploding pieces.

Watch the video
Photography and Album Cover
Concept & art direction: Jenny Ruiz & Fernanda Arias
Propping and styling: Jenny Ruiz
Retouching: Fernanda Arias
Design: Fernanda Arias
Produced by Nación Films
Directed by Vico Salazar
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